Future dates for 2015 — Tentative Schedule
June Picnic at Church………………Tues., June 2
(watch for details in the bulletin!)
Collection of Thankofferings……….Sun., Nov. 18
Christmas Program………………….Sun., Dec. 6
Ongoing Service Opportunities
Quilting,every Friday at 9 am in the quilting room.
Trinity Soulard, Saturday, April 25th at 9 am – feeding the Homeless.
Project days:
Saturday, May 9th, 9:00 am
Wednesday, May 20th, 9:30 am
PDO visit
Please Help! We are still in need of a wonderful, giving woman, or maybe two women, to be our historian. You would take pictures at WELCA events and put them into our scrapbook.
WELCA would like to plan a Summer Outing for all women of Trinity. We would hold this event during the day. If you have any ideas about a good place to visit and have lunch or a place of interest for you, please let Gayle Woolf know.
Thrivent Helps Again
The WELCA Project Day activity has recently received an
$800 grant from Thrivent Financial through the Mid-South St Louis Chapter. This grant for 2015 helps pay for materials and shipping of quilts and layettes. Thrivent funding has been given for many years, but this will be the last one due to the end of the chapter system.
Future dates for 2015 — Tentative Schedule
June Picnic at Church………………Tues., June 2
(watch for details in the bulletin!)
Collection of Thankofferings……….Sun., Nov. 18
Christmas Program………………….Sun., Dec. 6
Ongoing Service Opportunities
Quilting,every Friday at 9 am in the quilting room.
Trinity Soulard, Saturday, April 25th at 9 am – feeding the Homeless.
Project days:
Saturday, May 9th, 9:00 am
Wednesday, May 20th, 9:30 am
PDO visit
WELCA would like to plan a Summer Outing for all women of Trinity. We would hold this event during the day. If you have any ideas about a good place to visit and have lunch or a place of interest for you, please let Gayle Woolf know.
Thrivent Helps Again
The WELCA Project Day activity has recently received an
$800 grant from Thrivent Financial through the Mid-South St Louis Chapter. This grant for 2015 helps pay for materials and shipping of quilts and layettes. Thrivent funding has been given for many years, but this will be the last one due to the end of the chapter system.