Trinity Lutheran Church
Our Worship Service
What’s it like?
Worship with Holy Communion is held each Sunday morning. The service, while liturgical in structure, is relatively informal. The liturgy is sung (Lutherans like to sing!), and hymn selections and preaching focus on a Biblical theme for the day. Accompaniment is by organ, piano and guitar. There are many opportunities for members to assist with worship as lay ministers, lectors, altar guild, acolytes, sound system operators, greeters and ushers, counters and musicians. In the middle of the service, we share the peace of Christ with one another, then announce birthdays, anniversaries and other celebrations and events. We feel our worship is God-focused, and we leave feeling refreshed by God’s Spirit and prepared to be a source of light in our families, the community and the world.
A Typical Sunday Worship Service
- A musical prelude and call to worship
- Confession and forgiveness: We find peace through God’s forgiveness.
- Opening hymn of praise
- Children’s time with a special message for them
- Scripture readings from the Old and New Testament, sometimes including a Psalm
- The Gospel reading for the day
- Sermon based on God’s Good News
- Statement of faith using the Apostles’ or Nicene Creed
- Prayers of Intercession
- Sharing of God’s peace
- All who seek Christ are welcome to commune at the Lord’s table to receive Christ’s promise of forgiveness, life and salvation. Young children are invited forward for a blessing.
- While we commune, we sing and listen to special music.
- We receive the blessing of God.
- We sing a closing hymn.
- We are sent out in peace to serve God.