Worship Assistants for October 20
Lay Minister:  Matt Stephens
Lector:  Deborah Hagemann
Usher:  Deborah Hagemann
Counters:  Bob and Barb Tuckett
AV:  Dave Mizell

Worship Assistants for October 27
Lay Minister:  Gaye Mizell
Lector: Shala Parisi
Usher:  Craig Pettibone
Counters:  Dave Mizell
AV:  Dave Mizell

Please pray for . . .

Health Concerns:

Carol Heyde; Terrie Karcher; Pat Price; Gayle Woolf; Ken Block; Marvin Boyles; Sheryl Hoth; Deaconesses Ruth Dyer, April Hughes, and Cheryl Sell; Tom and Regina Owens; Bill and Shirley Donnell.

Living with Cancer:

Matthew Berry; Nanette Chatham; Rory Gargus; Raelle Jackson; Linda Lockhart; Jeane Moora; Cheryl Tribout; Bob Tuckett; Cheryl Tribout.

General Prayers:

Zach Dillard

For Those Serving in the Military:

Matt Brenner, nephew of Bob and Barb Tuckett.


The Ehlers family, members of Trinity, and friends of Dale Ehlers for his passing on September 26.

In Celebration:

Blessings on the 60th Anniversary of Gene and Nina Pool on October 10.

Blessings on the 50th Anniversary of Steve and Kris Sneeringer on October 6.

Trinity’s Prayer Chain:

The prayer chain is currently looking for a new leader.